Cantonul Damian
Natural attraction
Cantonul Damian is a landmark and a stopover for any tourist in the Cheile Nerei (Nera Gorges). This is a wonderful camping spot for tents. From here, climbers set out for the limestone pyramid of Turnul Mare al Begului, where they climb the wall over 200 meters high. Turnul Mare al Begului is continued by Turnul Mic al Begului downstream from the forestry lodge.
From Cantonul Damian, downstream, the trail follows the forest road passing under Cârşia Rolului, imposing with its stone towers at the summit, with a height of 270 meters. At the base of the cliff is Peștera Rolului (20 meters above the Nera waters), where the Caraseni haiducs took refuge from the Turkish and Austrian gates. The cave is famous as the refuge of Adam Duma, also known as Adam Neamțu, the last great Banat haiduc, and according to legend, the treasures of the haiducs are also hidden in this cave.
The forest road then passes by the ruins of the former medieval fortification "Turnul Mare a lui Alibeg," which "is linked to the legend of a young Banat girl who was kidnapped by the Turkish bey and imprisoned in the tower. However, the girl escaped at night, descending the rock with the help of a rope she braided from her own dress. Out of sorrow, for he was in love with the beautiful girl, Ali Beg cried so much that the Bei River formed from his tears." [Bizerea M., 1971].
Indeed, after 4 km from Cantonul Damian, on the forest road, you reach the confluence of Beiul and Nera, at Podul Beiului.