Imperial Mint Museum Oravița

Imperial Mint Museum Oravița




Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 24, Oravița 325600, Romania


The mint operated until 1855 and has as its coat of arms a hammer and a pickaxe, crossed inside a cog wheel, surrounded by a wreath formed on one side of laurel leaves and on the other side of oak leaves. In the interwar period, the place where the mint used to be was called "bănarie", where the famous mill of Iacob Stoian operated.

The realization of the Oravița Imperial Mint Museum is part of the large project of the Cultural Center "Teatrul Vechi Mihai Eminescu" to capture in locations throughout the city, through 17 museum sections that we will concretize in turn, the history of the city and the Caraş Country in relation to the history of Banat, Romania and Central Europe. It is the result of an initiative in which our specialized effort benefited from the direct support and full involvement of lawyer Dumitru Ursu, the mayor of Oravița, and is part of the project dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Old Theater in 2017.

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