Old Moldova Island

Old Moldova Island

Natural attraction


Ostrovul Moldova Veche, Romania


Old Moldova Island is located on the Danube, being a spectacular tourist attraction that attracts tourists with its naturalness.

Ostrovul Moldova Veche with an area of ​​1,627 hectares (of which 345 ha is the island proper land area), is declared a protected natural area, being included in the Natural Park Portile de Fier. Also, inside the island there are two lakes, without connection to the Danube, which occupy the largest area.

The main attraction of the island, in addition to the diversity of flora and fauna, is the presence of over 50 wild horses, the descendants of those abandoned on the island in the 1970s, by the locals of Old Moldova. They could no longer be caught, and over time they multiplied, becoming wild.

Here we also find the mound of earth, being the highest point on the island and which is said to be the tomb of Attila, also called the "Whip of God", the most powerful leader of the Huns who reigned between 433-453 .

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