Gaura cu Musca Cave

Gaura cu Musca Cave

Natural attraction


DN57, Romania


Gaura cu Muscă Cave is a place full of legends and history in the Danube Gorge. The cave is located 12 km downstream from Moldova Nouă, Caraș-Severin county, approx. 30 m above the level of the Danube. The entrance to the cave is on the left side of the Danube Gorge, in the great calcareous cliff located near the Babacaia rock in the Danube bed, 3 km downstream from Coronini. Altitude 92 m (28 m above the water of the Danube). The widely spread legend of Iovan Iorgovan "arm of mace" is connected to the cave, who defeated the dragon with 12 heads and the dove-vampire fly.

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