Tabula Baross

Tabula Baross


Coronini, Romania


The "Written Stone" or Tabula Baross (named after the Roman model) is located on the left bank of the Danube, on DN 57, about 10 km downstream from the town of Coronini.

The inscription is placed on a rock in the Alibeg area (the old hearth of Coronini village - formerly Pescari).
It is about 10 m long and 7.5 m wide. The text is displayed on 11 lines in Hungarian and is written in capital letters. Its translation into Romanian reads: "The regularization of the Iron Gate and the other cataracts regulated by article 26 in the Law of 1888 began under the rule of FRANCIS I, the prime minister being count IULIUS SZAPARY and the minister of commerce GABRIEL BELLUSY BAROSS, on September 15 1890. God's blessing be on this commemorative plaque and on those who contributed to its erection."

The name of the inscription comes from the name of the Minister of Commerce Bellusy Baross Gabor, who financed and was responsible for these works. The definitive solution to navigation problems on the Danube in the Clisurii area was achieved nowadays by building the energy and navigation system at the Iron Gates between 1864 and 1971.

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