The Cave of the Devil's Lake

The Cave of the Devil's Lake

Natural attraction


Peștera Lacul Dracului, Cărbunari, Romania


The Cave of the Devil's Lake is a remarkable tourist attraction, long recognized by the local community. It was extensively investigated between 1962 and 1966 by A. Negrea, Șt. Negrea, and V. Sencu. However, a significant discovery occurred in the spring of 1981 when the cave was explored by scuba divers from the GESS-Bucharest group, consisting of Cristian Lascu, I. Povară, C. Vânău, and Ș. Sârbu. They explored the lake's bottom and found a gallery at a depth of 12 meters.

This gallery led into the heart of the limestone massif, traversing an underwater corridor 25 meters long until they reached an impressive underground chamber. In this chamber, white and washed limestone alternates harmoniously with layers of black flint, creating a spectacular sight.


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