The County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment of Caransebeş

The County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment of Caransebeş


Piața General Dragalina 2, Caransebeș 325400, Romania


The County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment of Caransebeş was established in 1963 at the initiative of the hearty history lovers: Prof. Bujor Jumanca, Prof. Iulian Lungu and Col(r) Liviu Groza.

In 1963, a military diploma was discovered at Tibiscum, an event that attracted the attention of the academician Constantin Daicoviciu, who boosted the museum activity in Caransebeş by organizing the institution into the Museum of Ethnography and Local History. The beginnings of systematic archaeological research from Tibiscum date from this period.

On the initiative of the director of the museum, Dr. Petru Bona, and with the special support given by Prof. Dr. Trandafir Cocârlă, the first general secretary of the Caraş-Severin County, the Tibiscum Archaeological Reserve is established, located in the village of Jupa, on an area of 17 Ha, where the monuments belonging to the Romanian municipality and the military camp are protected.

Also thanks to the efforts made by the management of the museum and supported by the management of the Caraş-Severin county, in 1980 the first archaeological exhibition was opened in the Museum of the Archaeological Reserve at Tibiscum and also in this year the Museum of Caransebeş received for administration the building of the headquarters of the Border Regiment No. 13 Romanian - Bănaţean, where he will settle after 1989 and where he carries out his activity today.

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