The Lilac Valley - Eftimie Murgu

The Lilac Valley - Eftimie Murgu

Natural attraction


Eftimie Murgu 327190, Romania


The depression area concludes the relief with Mount Rudina (870 m) and the Gabrotu Talva (992 m), under which it descends steeply by 400-500 m into the Almaj Depression, characterized by terraces and hills that compose the local landscape. At a distance of 2.5 km from the entrance to the gorge, the valley widens, forming a clearing where the "Day of the Lilac" was celebrated annually. Among the rocks, lilac shrubs grow, adding a unique charm to this valley. The geological composition of the area consists of crystalline formations crossed by magmatic rocks, with the crystalline formations predominantly represented by amphibolic gneisses, affected by numerous tectonic fractures.


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