The Stones of Scorilo

The Stones of Scorilo

Natural attraction


Zăvoi, Romania


The Stones of Scorilo represent a true pagan altar of the Dacians, situated at an altitude of 1,200 meters on the northern slope of the Muntele Mic massif. The area was the preferred hunting ground of the Dacians, being in the mountains and having rich fauna. On this current tourist route, Muntele Mic – Poiana Mărului, passing through the Scorilo Valley, legend has it that King Scorilo, the father of Decebal, hid a treasure. This is confirmed by the inscription found at Sarmizegetusa: "Decebalus per Scorilo." This route is of rare beauty, enchanting even the most discerning tourist.

Also part of the legend passed down through centuries are the clues to the exact location of the treasure: Scorilo is said to have hidden the treasure in a cave located on a straight wall of the Scorilo Rock (somewhere in the center, 40 meters from the base and 40 meters from the summit), a cave situated where the first ray of sunlight falls over the ridge called Buza Nedeii on the summer solstice, on June 21st each year.

The existence of a cave in a rock formed of crystalline schists is hard to accept, as such rock does not naturally form caves. Through more thorough research of the rock, only a side room that appears to have been carved into the rock by humans, as a shelter for shepherds ascending Muntele Mic, has been found. It has a canopy-like shape, like a niche. The locals and shepherds don't speak much about the place itself, considering it a sacred area that not many should know everything about. In the past few decades, many have searched for the treasure, but without success. No one has conducted detailed research of the area.

Furthermore, according to the legend, the Tomb of Scorilo is on this tourist route, somewhere in the Scorilo Valley, which seems credible, especially since Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa is located beyond the hill.

The Stones of Scorilo, Cleanţul Scorilo, and Cioaca (Crest) Scorilo are old names that have remained in the vocabulary since the time of the Dacians, transmitted along with the belief that there is a Dacian treasure here.

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