Piatra Scrisă Monastery

Piatra Scrisă Monastery

Religious monument


DN6, Armeniș 327005, Romania


There are many legends about the past of the "All Saints Sunday" Pitra Scrisă Monastery. One of them tells about how, when the decision was made to build a railway on the Caransebeş-Orşova route, according to the plan, at the opening of a tunnel in a rock near the town of Armeniş, there was the icon of the Holy Trinity.

Following the discovery, the believers in these places were dissatisfied with the continuation of the tunnel in the same direction, knowing that the icon has an important meaning for the whole area. Thus, the leader of the works, Engineer Mihlheisen, was put in a position to change the calculations of the plan, diverting the exit of the tunnel towards Armeniş, a few meters west of the icon.

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