Țara Almăjului Monastery
Religious monument
On September 22, 2013, on the plateau at the border of the towns of Bozovici, Eftimie Murgu (Rudaria) and Bania, the Monastery of Țării Almajului was built, due to the desire of some believers from Almaj to have a monastic hearth and a social center in their midst.
The monastery is located in a special natural setting, right in the center of the Almaju Valley.
Thus, the mountains that surround it leave the impression of a natural fortress far from the hustle and bustle of the contemporary world, with only the Nera river, the sacred water of the Almajenes, passing through here.
text source: manastireataraalmajului.ro
photo source: Google Maps - Agenția 360 România
The monastery is located in a special natural setting, right in the center of the Almaju Valley.
Thus, the mountains that surround it leave the impression of a natural fortress far from the hustle and bustle of the contemporary world, with only the Nera river, the sacred water of the Almajenes, passing through here.
text source: manastireataraalmajului.ro
photo source: Google Maps - Agenția 360 România