Amateur Filmmaker Museum Reșița

Amateur Filmmaker Museum Reșița


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Eftimie Murgu University, Reșița 320003, Romania


The Amateur Filmmaker's Museum (unique in Romania)is a private initiative that proposes to research and point out to the public the importance that the movement of amateur filmmakers had in Romania. The main collection represents film cameras and projectors. The museum is located in the old projection room of 23 August's Cinema.

The Museum of Amateur Cinema is a private initiative that aims to research and bring back to the public's attention the amateur cinema movement in Romania. The main directions of the museum are the collection of equipment used by filmmakers (cameras on film, projection devices, screens, presses for cutting and gluing films, films on film), the collection of pieces related to the industry and cinematographic culture (posters of film, pictures from films, pictures with actors, film programs) and facilitating public access to the exhibitions made.

The museum has three main functions:

Museology: conservation, restoration and presentation of objects from the museum collection
Research/Study: the study of the history of cinematography and cinematography, both from Romania and abroad
Education: the organization of educational events for students, pupils and the public through profile camps, the publication of all materials from the museum to the public, relations with higher education institutions.

The museum has an important heritage made up of equipment used by amateur filmmakers of the last century (film cameras, projection and viewing devices, film cutting and pasting presses, film editing devices, developing tanks, etc.), films on film, both professional films and films made by amateur filmmakers, film posters, equipment used in cinemas, publications related to the activity of filmmakers but also about Romanian cinema and others.

Research / Study

The museum deals with the study of the activity of amateur filmmakers, with the help of materials in the heritage (films made, publications, awards and diplomas won by them, interviews with former filmmakers or people from the field of cinematography). Another activity is the digitization of old films made on film and their publication for viewing by the public. The films made by the filmmakers of the time provide us with important information about the history of the places they come from.

The museum provides the public with information, equipment and knowledge regarding cinematography. Also, part of the museum's activities aim to train amateur filmmakers through training camps and with the help of the film club coordinated by the museum.

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