Tourist center of Domogled-Cernei Valley National Park

Tourist center of Domogled-Cernei Valley National Park


See schedule


Str. Uzinei, Nr. 9, Jud., Băile Herculane, Romania


The visitor center was specially designed to offer tourists and all those interested an overview as representative as possible of the natural riches and cultural values ​​of the Domogled-Cernei Valley National Park.
It has 3 levels:

  • Demisol - "world of caves" Presents in 3D format the model of 6 of the most representative caves in the park. Also here you can find a 3D model of the Domogled-Valea Cernei National Park on which the main sights and tourist routes are presented
  • Ground floor - general information about the park: location, limits, tourist routes, nature reserves, habitats, Natura 2000 sites, etc. Here you can find details about the biodiversity of flora and fauna (endemic, rare, protected species), the special landscapes, the internal zoning of the park, the forms of tourism that can be practiced and the rules for visiting the park.
  • The floor is dedicated to man (the local community) who is above all, because everything was created to be ruled by man and he can protect or destroy natural values.
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