Following in the footsteps of Hercules

Following in the footsteps of Hercules

The cultural tourist route "In the footsteps of Hercules" follows the epic thread of
The legend of Hercules. This is a route of tourist destinations from three counties in the south-west of Romania, respectively Caraș-Severin, Gorj and Mehedinți, but also from two districts from the north-east of Central Serbia, respectively Branicevo and Bor.

The route follows both natural, cultural and historical heritage objectives.

Natural objectives along the route

Domogled National Park – Cernei Valley, Mehedinți Plateau Geopark, Iron Gates Natural Park and Djerdap National Park in SERBIA.

Cultural-historical objectives along the route

The route starts from the Mehedinți Plateau (Bridge of God, MH county), Cernei Valley (Corcoaiei Gorges, Cerna, GJ county) - Danube Gorge, Orșova, Ieselnița (Statue of Decebal, Mânistrea Mraconia, MH county), Coronini (Cave Gaura cu Muscă, CS county.

Next, cross the Danube by ferry to Moldova Nouă - Usjie and return on the Serbian bank of the Danube, where the route includes the following objectives: "Silver Lake" resort - Golubăț Citadel - Lepenski Vir Museum.

Afterwards, the return to the country is made via Gura Văii. Here you can also visit the Iron Gates Museum, branch of Gura Văii.

Watch the movie Cultural Tourist Route "In the footsteps of Hercules"

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