The path of the miraculous waters
The Herculaneum Baths balneo-climatic resort was born on account of underground waters (phreatic and deep). The source consists of 19 known natural springs, of which 9 are captured and used. Only a part of the total flow is used according to needs, the rest flowing freely into Cerna.
The Seven Hot Springs Group and the Crucea Ghizelei well
The Crucea Ghizelei well - It is a special source due to its location, but also its physical and chemical properties. The well is located in the northern extremity of the deposit, on the left bank of the Cerna, it crossed a limestone stack with an apparent thickness of over 500 m in which the hydrogeological samples highlighted well-differentiated aquifer properties.
Seven Hot Springs, right - The more than 20 natural springs of thermo-mineral water, staggered on a front of almost 50 m, varied in flow are located on the right slope of Cerna, near the shore, exposed to floods at high water. of water is made on the tectonic contact between the Cerna granite and the Mesozoic limestones, a fact that also explains the total flows of over 2 l/s.
The Scorilo well - It is located 85 m downstream from the previous springs, on the left slope of the Cerna, above the flood level. It crossed Quaternary deposits 2 m thick, then remaining only in the granites until the final depth of 549.5 m. The waters of this source are chlorosodic-calcic bicarbonate, slightly sulphurous, with very low mineralization (0.65-0, 85g/l).
The Hercules Group
It includes 4 springs where the biggest variations in flow and temperature have been observed, two of them, Hercules and Apollo, alone add up the cumulative flows of all the other sources together.
Hercules Spring - It is the most important in terms of flow, but it has the most unstable physico-chemical properties. Appears from the cave with the same name. In fueling the resurgence, a very important role belongs to the Upper Jurassic limestones of the Cernei Syncline. The difference in flow rate variation is 94.8 l/s. The total mineralization varies between 0.29-2.51 g/l, the characteristics of the water changing from bicarbonate-calcium to chlorosodic-calcium.
Hygeea Spring - The spring point is located on the tectonic contact between the Upper Jurassic limestones and the Jute strata and is 40 m downstream from Izvorul Hercules, on the same slope, at only 0.8 m absolute altitude. Flow and temperature have variations in the same direction as those of the Hercules Spring. Defective capture of the source causes the loss of water next to the premises built for spa uses. The water of the spring belongs to the chlorosodic-calcium type, slightly sulphurous bromide.
The Apollo spring - The emergence is located within the Apollo pavilion and is captured by arranging a watertight basin over the spring point. The "day" outcrop is made on the tectonic contact between the limestones of the Upper Jurassic and the marlstones of the Barremian (Juta strata).
Izvorul de la Despicatura - It is located at the base of the regularization wall of the Cerna bed, 8 m downstream from the Cave of Despicatura, being most of the time below the water surface.
Hygeea Spring - The spring point is located on the tectonic contact between the Upper Jurassic limestones and the Jute strata and is 40 m downstream from Izvorul Hercules, on the same slope, at only 0.8 m absolute altitude. Flow and temperature have variations in the same direction as those of the Hercules Spring. Defective capture of the source causes the loss of water next to the premises built for spa uses. The water of the spring belongs to the chlorosodic-calcium type, slightly sulphurous bromide.
The Apollo spring - The emergence is located within the Apollo pavilion and is captured by arranging a watertight basin over the spring point. The "day" outcrop is made on the tectonic contact between the limestones of the Upper Jurassic and the marlstones of the Barremian (Juta strata).
Izvorul de la Despicatura - It is located at the base of the regularization wall of the Cerna bed, 8 m downstream from the Cave of Despicatura, being most of the time below the water surface.
The Diana Group
The Diana Group It consists of four springs (Diana I, Diana II, Diana IV, Hebe) and the Diana III borehole, located in the central area of the old resort.
Diana I+II Springs - The emergence points were located in a small natural cavity, developed on the right bank of the Cerna at 11 m relative altitude, on a clear tectonic alignment (Falia Diana) that puts the jute layers in contact with the limestones Upper Jurassic. The chemistry variations fall between 4.39 g/l and 6.27 g/l, the waters keeping their chlorosodic-calcic, bromiodurate, sulphurous character unchanged.
Diana IV Spring (Spring for feet) - It is located in the Cerna bed, in the flood zone, the spring of the water being made of marl
Diana Drilling (Diana III) - It is located on the Diana fault, on the right bank of the Cerna and was dug to a depth of 260 m, where it intercepted a granitic foundation, crossed quaternary and marl calcareous formations (0-100 m), then maintained in the Malmneocomian limestone (100-240 m) and in the spatic limestones of the Dogger (240-259 m).
Hebe Spring - It is a spring captured in the basement of the Hebe baths, on the limestone contact.
Diana IV Spring (Spring for feet) - It is located in the Cerna bed, in the flood zone, the spring of the water being made of marl
Diana Drilling (Diana III) - It is located on the Diana fault, on the right bank of the Cerna and was dug to a depth of 260 m, where it intercepted a granitic foundation, crossed quaternary and marl calcareous formations (0-100 m), then maintained in the Malmneocomian limestone (100-240 m) and in the spatic limestones of the Dogger (240-259 m).
Hebe Spring - It is a spring captured in the basement of the Hebe baths, on the limestone contact.